Cruise Countdown Tickers

Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday, Monday (blah!)

Zach is watching Spongebob, Aaron's doing the dishes, and he also just brought me a beer, so seems like a perfect set-up for blogging!  As promised, here's an update on the past couple of days. This weekend was pretty great!  Despite my knee still giving me grief (I know, I know, I'll go see someone already), we managed to make the best of it.  I really, *really* love my weekends.

Saturday, Aaron had to work a mid-shift, so he wasn't around much.  Those shifts are my least favorite, because they tap into every chunk of the day.  You can't do much in the mornings, because you have to get ready for work.  Then, you can't do much afterward, because the kid is not far from passing out into bed.  But, despite flying solo, Z and I made the most of the day.  We had lunch with my sister at Macaroni Grill, then headed over to Sephora so I could cash in on a gift certificate Amber got me for my birthday.  A new bottle of perfume?  Sign me up!

Sunday, we woke up slow and eased into the day.  I went out to get coffee, because we were fresh out at home, and Mama neeeeeeeeds her coffee, even on weekends.  I also stopped to get us all some donuts and a paper to read, so it was a great start to the day.  (Becca texted me while I was getting all our goodies, because she was out doing the same exact thing!  Well, minus the donuts.)  After enjoying our non-nutritional breakfast & sifting through the paper, Z and I played a few rounds of Go Fish.  Daddy read while we played, then around noon, he decided we needed to get showered and get ready for a road trip.  Hooray!  I love these!  This time we decided to go visit Lincoln, TX - population 276.  While there, of course, we had to visit a local cafe that made it into Texas Monthly's top 20 cafes in the state.  It was called Elm Creek Cafe and we found us some of the best fried pickles we have ever had!  



The backyard of the restaurant.

The fried pickles.  Man, they were good.

I couldn't decide between the BLT on Texas Toast 
& the Chicken Fried Steak.
I should've gotten the BLT.

An attempt to balance out the grease in my meal.

Aaron decided after having chicken fried steak at this place, we need to stop ordering it everywhere we go.  It's getting a little old, and we've yet to find one to blow our socks off.  My vote goes to Lone Star Cafe, when they were still around - their chicken fried steak was soooo good.  Aaron agrees, but says it's in his top 3.  The other 2 contenders are K-Bob's (no longer exists) and Hut's Hamburgers.  Man, we need to make another trip to Hut's.  We used to go there every Thursday night when we were dating/engaged for 2 for 1 chicken fried steak night.  I forgot how good that place is!  Maybe I pushed it out of my memory because it's so trendy, stupid, and crowded nowadays.  Sigh.

After lunch, we took the long road back to Round Rock, and saw lots of neat houses and wide open spaces.  

This caught my eye, for some reason.

We ended the day with a wicked dose of reality - a trip to HEB.  It was a harsh zip back into the daily grind, but we needed to get some groceries for the week.  The boys never like this part of our routine, and part of me doesn't blame them, but it's just one of those things that has to be done.

Since today is MLK, Jr. Day, Z didn't have to go to school.  Aaron's off on Mondays anyway, and I went in until about 1pm.  It's been a nice afternoon outside; Aaron changed his brakes and Z & I played some baseball.  It's time now to start homework, get dinner ready, and then Z's bedtime routine.  About dinner tonight ... everyone brace yourselves.  I'm going to prepare and eat fish.  Ahh!  I'm trying to make sure my weirdness about seafood doesn't pass down to my kid, since he tends to copy all my likes & dislikes.  He surprised us both on Saturday night when Aaron got some fried shrimp from Popeye's, and Z asked to try some.  I want Aaron to finally have a partner in seafood enjoyment, since I have been nothing of the sort to him.  I thought, I should try to eat it, and if I act like I like it, he'll be more open to it.  It's already worked so far - I bought the kind with potato chip coating on the outside, and I told him how good that sounds.  He said "you're going to eat it?" and I said "oh yeah, that sounds good to me", and he said, "ok, I'll try it too."  Oh, the things we do for our kids.  (Do you people understand how much I hate fish?!)

Three things I'm grateful for today:

1.  Dunkin Donuts coffee.  It rivals Starbucks, and you don't need to 
     take out a personal loan to get a cup.
2.  Tartar sauce.  (It's one of the only ways I can choke down fish.)
3.  Netflix instant viewing.

Until next time, peace & pastries to all.

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