Cruise Countdown Tickers

Sunday, January 18, 2009

25 things

I was recently "tagged" on Facebook by an old friend, and the game was to list 25 random things about yourself.  I thought since I put so much time into it, I might as well post it here for those of you not on Facebook.  (Am I feeling lazy?  At the moment, a little.)  For those of you who are, and this is a repeat, sorry.  A detailed post about our weekend will go up tomorrow, so check back then.

1. I never thought I would live past the age of 24. I had a strange, but very certain feeling about this growing up. Apparently, and happily, I was way off.

2. I used to detest silence, but now I crave it. I adore my family, but I now truly know the desire of solitude, at times.

3. When I was pregnant, I was told three different times after three separate sonograms that I was having a girl. I knew they were wrong. I even told my husband, but he said I was only thinking that because of how badly I had always wanted a boy. Never underestimate the power of a mother's intuition!

4. I swore, until I met my husband, I would never get married. Not because I grew up with a bad example (my parents just celebrated their 40th anniv. last year), but because it seemed no one took the commitment seriously anymore. That kind of old-school sacrifice and follow-through seemed obsolete. It was understandable that my close friends all thought I had lost my mind when Aaron proposed after 9 months of dating, and I accepted. They had been listening to me say how anti-marriage I was for ages.

5. I hate seafood. I want to like it, I've tried to like it, but it's just not there. I'll keep trying, but I will never come around to tuna from a can. That stuff, to me, is one of the most vile substances on earth.

6. I love to travel, probably more than anything else. Experiencing new places, new cultures, and new food is sublime. I love airports, airplanes, hotels, road-trips ... the whole nine yards. I guess it's the Sagittarius in me.

7. I think Texas, Colorado, and possibly Arizona, are the only states I could live in. I was born in Michigan, and though upstate is breath-taking, Detroit is not. I lived in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania for 32 days, then ended up coming back home to Texas. Once I saw that tampons cost nearly $8.00/box and you had to buy six-packs of beer from local bars instead of the grocery store, I knew I was in the wrong place. 

8. I miss singing in choirs. I did it in school growing up, I competed in middle school & high school, I did it in college, and my Mom and I sang in church choirs together for years. I would like to, one day, grow the balls to audition for the Austin Civic Chorus.

9. I am toying with the idea of going back to school this coming Fall semester. I never graduated, and it's been one of the only regrets I have in life. Of course, I had to marry someone who got TWO degrees, which only makes it bother me more. (As much as I've begged, he won't let me have one.) I know I took the hard road on this one, but I'll just chock it up to a life lesson I was meant to learn.

10. Like most people, I have a list going of things I would like to do before I die. Since I'm relatively easy to please, my list only consisted of three things up till last May; swim with dolphins, take a cruise, and fly first-class. I was able to cross off the dolphins and the cruise all in one shot 8 months ago. I was ecstatic!

11. I have a really good memory. It drives my husband crazy at times, especially when I can recall a conversation we had verbatim that took place months before.

12. I have to walk on the right side of people, if there are just two of us. And I prefer to sit on the right side, as well. It's from all the years Amy & I spent growing up together, and that was just the way we always did things.

13. My ability to smell things is a blessing and a curse. To say I have a "dog nose" is the understatement of the century. People have joked that I can smell a fire before it happens.

14. I absolutely hate talking on the phone. My parents would probably never believe this, since they saw the phone literally stuck to my head growing up, but I think that's the reason why I detest it now. It backfired.

15. I miss being creative. It's slowly coming back to me, through my photography, but I used to ooze creativity. I wrote, I made things for people, I made jewelry, I sang, I read everything I could get my hands on ... I miss that.

16. I'm growing more anxious everyday that my dog will soon give in to his old age. He's almost 12, and the longest commitment I have ever made to any living thing. He's been stressful, hilarious, loving, loyal, and the topic of many conversations. My dear, old friend Elijah. My life will never quite be the same once you're gone.

17. I love Christmas and Halloween more than any adult probably should. I start listening to Christmas music in July, and am full-on twitchy by the time October rolls around. On the flipside, I hate Valentine's Day. It's so orchestrated and silly, & it amazes me that women have expectations about this day.

18. Since age 15, I haven't been single for longer than six months total. I went from one long-term relationship to another, then to meeting my husband. I worry how I will react if I ever find myself alone down the line. I certainly hope I never have to find out.

19. The dearest friends I have are ones I have had since elementary or middle school. I have been best friends with Amy for 26 years, with Becca for 22 years, and with Andrea for 21 years. Angel is a close second with our 15 year history. I am so fortunate.

20. I think the days of being asked 60 times a month if we're having more children have finally passed. Thank God for this.

21. No matter what color I attempt to dye my hair, the dirty blonde always comes back. And quickly. I have tried a several shades of red (dark, bright, & a few in between), all permanent, but nothing sticks. After about 3 weeks, you can see my original hair color coming through. I give up.

22. I have a lot of weird stories about my teeth. First, I have never had a cavity. Second, I have perfectly straight teeth & I never had braces, though I begged for them (like a moron) when I was 12. Third, my wisdom teeth are just now coming in, and I had two of them removed two years ago. The other two have to stay until they start to really hurt, because the nerves are intertwined in weird places, and the oral surgeons worry that going after them might paralyze half of my face. Yikes?

23. When I was little, I had a lisp. A dentist once told me to hold a Certs up against the roof of my mouth with my tongue once a day, and it would correct itself. He was right.

24. I got my "monthly visitor" for the first time at the ripe old age of 10. I hoped this would mean I would hit menopause sooner, but I've been told that's not true. Damn.

25. I can type freakishly fast & freakishly accurate. Like in the neighborhood of 100 wpm with zero mistakes. If only they had reality shows for this talent, and it gave away serious prize money ...

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