Cruise Countdown Tickers

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I'm back! (with the longest post ever ...)

Holy smokes!  Has it really been 16 days since I last posted?  


Sorry for the delay, folks!  I was too busy enjoying life & my time off from work to get on the computer very long.  It seems like I had more time off this year than I ever have, in recent memory, but it was well-deserved after the August I endured at that place.  I know I have a lot to catch up on, so I will summarize as best as I can, and include some photos along the way.

Christmas was great!  Zach got his every dream & desire filled by Santa, and we felt lucky that we were able to do that for him.  His lot included about 10 Transformers, the Kung-Fu Panda movie from Aaron's parents, an over-sized robot, an over-sized Army tank, a Transformers shirt, a Transformers poster, an aircraft carrier, about 1,700 items of clothing from my parents, his first big-wheel (also from my parents), more clothes from Toni, five mini Transformer and one regular sized Transformer from Uncle Ken ... etc.  We also did gift exchanges with friends, and he got even more stuff, so yeah, you could say the only-child syndrome struck again.  He made a haul!  Aaron & I have vowed to go through his room soon and put together boxes of old toys to donate to Goodwill.  Out with the old, in with the new ...

Our tree, late Christmas Eve, after "Santa" came.  
A little off-center, but you get the idea.

After Z was fast asleep & we wrapped everything, 
"Santa" took a break for milk & cookies.  
"Santa's helper" thought he might get in on the action.

Opening his robot.

And a Transformer.

Such concentration.

So proud of his new Transformer shirt.

Keoki coveted one of Zach's goodies from his stocking ...

... and became quite territorial when Aaron tried to get it back.

Bored & lounging while the kid opened his loot.

Christmas night, the boys playing with the aircraft carrier.


Judy, shying away from the camera, AGAIN.

Ken, trying to be nutty when I perched my camera toward him.

As you can see, my parents and Ken came over to our house for Christmas.  I cooked a feast comprised of pretty much everything on the standard Thanksgiving menu - turkey, green bean casserole, homemade stuffing, corn, rolls, homemade cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes - and I'm happy to report it was a success!  It was quite delicious, if I do say so myself.  My cooking was such a hit, my Mom asked me if we could have it my place again next year.  Gladly!  I'll take cooking over driving around town any day.  My Mom brought a chocolate pie & a blueberry pie, both which were scrumptious!  I'm personally requesting the blueberry pie again next year, it's a new favorite.  


For you curious types, Aaron got me a docking station for my iPod and it's quickly become one of my most favorite gifts ever.  

See my camera in the iPod screen?  haha

Funny he should buy me something iPod-related, when I did the same thing.  Great minds think alike!  I got him his first iPod ever.

(stock photo)

They come in a zillion different colors, but Zach & I decided black would fit him best.  He's never been the flashy-neon kind of guy.  He was shocked and LOVED it!  Zach and I have become victims of iTunes these days, but it's ok.  I remember the sheer joy of filling up my iPod for the first time!  We let him take all the time he wants to play with his Pod, and we're just glad he's enjoying it.  Zach let me know afterward that he wants one, but then immediately followed it with, "but I know you're not gonna get me one because I'm 'too young'." (Yes, he used air-quotes at the end of his sentence.)  I informed he was spot-on, and he would not be seeing an iPod in his immediate future, but maybe some day.  He said "how old do I have to be?" and I said "probably at least 12."  He tried to then bargain down to age 10, but I told him I doubt it.  That kid is growing up so fast, iPod time will be here before I know it!

After the joys of Christmas, our anniversary was the next thing to celebrate.  

The actual sign Aaron's best friend made for the back of the truck
on our wedding night.
It's been hanging in our garage for 8 years.

Nine years we've been married now, eleven years we've been together total.  Wow.  Who would've thought I would be able to stand anyone THAT long?  Aaron marvels at the same thing, and we laugh about it quite often.  My dear friend Amy gave me the "gift of time" for my birthday, meaning she was willing to have Zach spend the night at her place so we could have an evening to ourselves.  Well, we cashed in on that one and got to have a night out alone the Saturday before our actual anniversary (it fell on a Wednesday this year).  That was awesome!  Then, on the actual night of New Year's Eve, we did the usual trip to Chuck E Cheese, and Ken joined us this year.  We ran into an old friend Aaron worked with at Petco, who was there with her kids.  Chuck E Cheese is the place to be!

Skee-ball champs.

Mid-jumping for joy at all the tickets he was getting.

A personal favorite, the roller coaster game.

The Saturday after our anniversary, Z and I took a road trip down to San Antonio to visit my old friend Angel, and her son.  We don't see them nearly enough, so this was an awesome day.  Her son Ian (8) and Zach played literally all day and into the evening, while Angel and I chatted on her patio.  One of the perks of going to visit Angel is getting to see her fur-children.  We love them, one and all!  (Not pictured:  Ethel, her cat.)

Shooter, who doesn't much like having his picture taken.

Duke, who doesn't much care his picture is being taken.

Zory, who loves any kind of attention, including her picture being taken.

Angel, getting some Zory love.

Zach and Ian.

A fun flashback:
Zach and Ian in August 2006.

We finally had some time the next day to take one of our family road trips to visit another small town cafe.  We've missed this!  The one we chose this time was the Hill Country Cupboard in Johnson City.  Aaron took the long, scenic route to get there, and it made for some cool photos.  I'm so glad we do things like this - it's much better than sitting around watching tv all day.


I locked the doors when Aaron got out to get gas, & I made him
dance for me before I would let him back in.
(An idea we got from America's Funniest Home Videos.)

President LBJ's childhood home.


The chicken-fried pork chop plate I ordered for lunch.

A sleepy creek.

I loved these trees.

We stumbled upon an exotic zoo in the middle of nowhere.

Last, but certainly not least, my Mom had a birthday yesterday!  She's a tad camera-shy, so I won't upset her by posting pics, but it was a fun visit at her house last night.  We did cake and ice cream, and it was delicious!  Happy birthday Ma - we love you so much.  ♥

All in all, it's been a busy two weeks, but a good two weeks.  Aaron worked entirely too much at the store, just like every Christmas, but that's the nature of retail.   He's taking three days off this week, and I'm sure he'll enjoy every single microsecond of it.  As I mentioned before, I got so much time off over the last part of 2008, it was really tough to go back to work.  I was very grateful for those days at home!  I let me workout regimen fall to shit during Christmas, and the week after, so that is back in full swing.  Only drawback is my old injured/reconstructed knee is acting up lately, making it hard to tolerate a workout.  If it keeps bothering me, I'll have to get it looked at, but I'll keep you posted on that as we go.

Before I close, I want to mention a new blog I started with a spectacular group of ladies!  It's a community photo blog, where we let our pictures do the talking, and it's such a blast.  If you'd like to stop by & check us out, click here.  The photos have ranged from funny to emotional, and it's already become a seemingly great creative outlet for us.  Hope you'll take a look-see!

The things I'm grateful for today:

1.  The photo blog.
2.  A holiday season with no emergencies or tragedies.
3.  My parents having a fantastic evening together in San Antonio 
     on Thursday night.

I am back in the saddle, so it won't be two weeks before I post again.  Promise.  Thanks for your patience with my slow-motion blogging, and until next time ... peace & pastries to all!  In abundance!


Unknown said...

loved your blog. I am so proud of you and your accomplishments in life. As we head down the path of life together, I thank God for you and pray for you daily. I love you.

Becca or Cori depending :) said...

Love that new rockin background!
Go Mama! The tree looks great in your house too!
VERY pretty in pics!

Mary said...

I haven't checked in on your blog since Christmas. Looks like I haven't missed any posts. :) Glad you guys had a great Christmas.
