Cruise Countdown Tickers

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I survived fish

Amazingly enough, I ate fish last night and didn't barf.  Wowsa!  Even more amazing, my son ate a whole piece, and didn't even try to bargain with us on "how many more bites" before he was free from his food-consuming duties.  Hooray!  A breakthrough for us both!  I must say, I'm proud of us.  Poor Ken had to choke it down, but he even ate it.  Aaron was fine with it, he had 4 pieces, but that doesn't surprise me.  I, on the other hand, just cleared a major culinary hurdle.  Granted, it was a fried hurdle, with lots of ketchup on the side, but I did it nonetheless.  I truly amazed myself at last night's meal.

We usually eat dinner at the table, tv off, old-fashioned style, but last night we strayed from the norm to incorporate an impromptu "movie night".  We watched the first installment of Spiderman, and it was ok.  Z really liked the fight scenes and the times Spidey was sailing through the air, so it was fun to see him get into it.  We had to watch our movie while we ate dinner though, if we were going to get him in bed on time.  It was a success, and he went to bed at 8:30pm, while Mommy & Daddy were not far behind at 9:00pm.  I got to watch a new installment of my honey's show (Anthony Bourdain No Reservations), which helped send me off to a blissful sleep.  I did pack my gym bag and set my alarm for 4:30am though, which came awfully fast, despite my good deed of going to bed early.

I had been resting my knee for a few days, not working out, and it was feeling a little better.  So, what did I do?  Went to the gym and pissed it off, all over again.  I spent this evening flipping through a Bon Appetit magazine, icing my knee with the same bag of organic frozen blueberries, watching American Idol, and texting with Becca.  I successfully saddled myself on the couch again, nearly bored to tears.  But, no worries, as I have made an appointment with a knee guy for this coming Friday.  Hopefully, I won't hear how fat I am, or that I have to have surgery.  [crossing my fingers]

As for now, I will hobble off to bed, and not pack my gym bag for the morning.  [sigh]  I wish they had yoga classes that early in the morning, but those are always saved for the stay-at-home Moms in the middle of the day.  Grrrrrr.  What?  No, no, I'm not incredibly jealous of them.  Grrrrrr.

Three things I am thankful for today:

1.  Ketchup.
2.  No humidity.
3.  New bottles of shampoo.

Peace & pastries, everyone.

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