Cruise Countdown Tickers

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Have you ever just wanted to take your child, hold them tight, and slow down time? Protect them forever from the evils of the world - the negativity, the worries, the demands? Teach them to believe there is good in every person, beauty in even the most mundane of things, and then have the world follow through & hold true to your word? Not shield them from every disappointment, but keep them pure and loving for as long as they're lucky to be alive. To prolong that innocence and blind faith in people & in God, and to never question ever having put their trust in someone ...

I had a day with Z today that made me wish I could do all these things. As a Mother, I guess you will always want such things for your child, but on days like today, I wished I could make it true so strongly that it made my chest ache. He was so bright-eyed and full of boundless, innocent energy, it was contagious. We went, as a family, and explored an art museum, and then just ran around in wide, open grassy spaces afterward. It was a magical day - for me, anyway. I wish every day could be full of wonder and new things that open his mind. I wish we weren't so constrained by the boring intricacies of everyday life. If there was any gift I could give to him over & over, it would be days like today that would keep him learning, guessing, and laughing.

I love being a Mom. And I love that I am lucky enough to have Z as my son. I hope I can show him that, I mean really show him that, so he never doubts or wonders how grateful I am to be a part of his life. I pray for this, daily.

Three things I'm grateful for today:

1. My son.
2. Simple pleasures.
3. Memories.

Peace & pastries, everyone.

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