Cruise Countdown Tickers

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hump day ramblings

I am happy to report that Z is officially "well" again, though we're still on the antibiotic for another three days. He's back to himself, despite random bouts of exhaustion from staying up too late. He was very sweet to confess to me yesterday that he "cheated" and watched part of a second episode of Transformers, though I had told him he could only watch one that night. I was impressed by his character, but had to still warn him that if he can't control himself with his DVD player, I will revoke the privilege in the future. He took it like a man, and said he wouldn't do it again. I'm so wowed by him, pretty much on a daily basis, and yesterday was no exception.

During dinner last night, Z brought up (again) how certain Mommies have come to eat lunch with their kids at school recently. I offered to do the same, and he nearly leapt out of his chair, asking if it could be "tomorrow", meaning today. I said yes, and he was elated. When dinner was over & Aaron was cleaning up (I cook, he cleans ... we have a system), Z crawled into my lap with his legs straddled over me, facing me, and confirmed our lunch date once more. I told him I would be there with bells on, and he very quietly and genuinely said, "Thanks, Mommy.", then gave me a smooch. Sigh. Who knew your love for another person could keep growing & growing over the years? When he was little, I swore my heart couldn't swell any more with love for our little person, but it has swelled ten-fold over the past 6 1/2 years.

So, needless to say, I am looking forward to my lunch date immensely. I just have to get through a few hours of my workday first, but that has already proven to be mildly annoying. Between things that didn't get done (although I asked nicely) and my knee still driving me batty, time will pass slowly between now & 11:00am. But, time always crawls when you're excited about something, right? I remember the nineteen days between my birthday & Christmas being the slowest, most agonizing days of my youth.

Not much else to report today, besides our growing excitement for Aaron to start his new job, and for our impending spring break trip. We're counting down the days until we can take off for a week, completely unplugged from the world, and just enjoy nature & each other.

I think I will need to invest in another memory card for my camera. Aaron laughs when I say this, because the one I have now holds more than 700 photos, but we're going to be out in nature. For a week. Nature is my second favorite thing to photograph, behind food. I won't even try to kid myself and think I'll be able to limit my snapshots. I want to be able to snap freely, without care or concern. I CAN'T WAIT!

Three things I'm grateful for today:

1. Lunch with my kid.
2. Our camper.
3. My pedicure yesterday.

Peace & pastries, to all.

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