Cruise Countdown Tickers

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Jinxed us

I guess all that talk yesterday of being healthy backfired.  I had to go pick up Z from school today, because he threw up during lunch.  His first at-school barf.  Poor kid!  Luckily though, he made it to the bathroom before spewing everywhere.  I was driving to his school, praying he hadn't let loose all over his desk or his classmates.  I was glad to hear he was able to hold it in until he got to the sink, but was a little grossed out at his detailed commentary about how long he held it in his mouth.  [shiver]

I took him to the doctor, and Aaron met us there, but we still don't really know what's wrong with him.  The first speculation was strep throat, but his first strep test came back negative.  Granted, I'm glad he doesn't have it, but I almost wish he did so we would at least know what was wrong & we could treat it.  Now, we just have to make do with the generic "viral" theory, and hope to God he keeps down everything he tries to eat or drink.  Since Aaron has to work this weekend, looks like Mommy is in for a fun couple of days.  He hasn't had a fever or thrown up since I picked him up from school, so I'm hoping we stay on this path.  The second strep test comes back tomorrow, but the nurse said it's highly unlikely for the results to be positive if the first test was negative.  We'll see.

Since Daddy was home early, he & Z watched one of their favorite DVD's and I went to the gym.  I wasn't able to go this morning, because I apparently did a mammoth load of laundry last night.  When I went to get my workout clothes from the dryer, they were still damp.  Not a pleasant thing at 5:20am.  I turned the dryer back on (my work clothes were in there, too) and just cussed my way back through the house.  All I could think about was how I could've slept in, instead of dragging my ass out of bed, trying to get into the mental mind-set of a workout, etc.  But, I took full advantage of having some free time this afternoon, and banged it out.  I can't tell you how much better I feel, just for going.  I was bothered by the fact I hadn't worked out, all day, and I was able to get rid of that.  Nice.

Since Z wasn't allowed to do much of anything - doctor's orders - Aaron tried to entertain him & cheer him up with a treasure hunt.  He bought this kit ages ago, but had put it away because Z was being a turd the day he bought it.  Well, he forgot about it & rediscovered it today, and I think it did the trick.  They had a blast.

Aaron made him a treasure map that went through our front yard.

This was the treasure he dug up, by the corner of our house.

After he broke it open.

Protective glasses that came with the kit, for when you were breaking open your treasure.
Aaron calls them his "Bono glasses."

You can tell here that he doesn't feel good.

Part of his many treasures.

His favorite part of the treasure -- the skulls, of course.

This boosted his spirits, for sure.  Got his mind off of feeling crappy, he was out in fresh air, and hanging with Daddy.  That seems to be his favorite thing to do these days, he's all about Daddy time.  He even asked Aaron the other day when they could go camping together again, though he was sensitive enough to whisper the part "but only you & me, Daddy".  It makes my heart so happy.

It's bedtime, once again, though I'm jealous that Aaron & Z get to sleep in tomorrow.  The three things I'm thankful for today:

1.  My husband.
2.  My husband.
3.  My husband.

If you hadn't guessed, Aaron wrote my list for me tonight.  He's standing right next to me ...

Peace & pastries to all.

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