Cruise Countdown Tickers

Saturday, February 21, 2009

TGI ... S?

Another week, come and gone, and somehow it went by quickly.  When it first started, I was sure it was going to be one of those weeks that drug out, but luckily, time was kind and escaped me on several occasions.

Aaron has his first week of training under his belt, and it's been an interesting week.  Of course, there is that initial awkwardness of starting a new job, getting to know new people, and the pressure of being in charge of a store you know nothing about.  It will be some time before he can really get into a rhythm and see if it's a good fit, so he's plans to go with the flow until then.  We're still grateful he got this job so quickly, and that he was able to even *get* a new job these days.  We'll keep you updated.

I'm very excited to report that we are heading down to San Antonio today to visit one of my oldest and dearest friends, Andrea, and her husband, and their new baby!  He was born last July, and I've been dying to meet him ever since.  Of course, the first three months or so after he's born, it's only right to give the new parents their space, not bug them with requests for their time.  But, then after those first few months went by, the holidays were upon us.  After the holidays, it was time to settle in to the new year and getting back to work.  Luckily, all of that is now behind us and I get some quality bonding time with her little guy.  You see, all my friends' children are the closest thing I have to nieces or nephews, so I treasure every moment.  I've always wanted to be an Aunt, and I think this is the closest I'm ever going to get.  My poor sister just hasn't had much luck in starting a family, so I have to make the best of what life has dealt us, as far as that is concerned.  But, I scare myself -- if I want to be an Aunt this badly, what am I going to be like in 20 years about grandkids?  Uh-oh.  Sorry son, in advance.

I'm also happy to report that I think I may be able to cancel my gym membership.  I was venting on the phone to my Dad a few days ago, about how my workout regimen is really starting to irritate me.  It pisses me off, actually, and I was trying to figure out a new way to balance everything I have to do each day.  Some people can live this way, denying themselves any time for creativity or hobbies for the sake of their familial obligations, but I cannot.  I have learned this about myself, and everyone here will be better off for me getting a few hours each night to do things that make me happy.  And by "things", I only mean having time to blog, play with my photographs, create things with my photography, finish loading my damn iPod, etc.  My Dad was kind enough to offer up his elliptical machine that has been gathering dust at his house for a few years.  Eureka!  Thank you, Dad!  Having that thing here, I can workout morning, noon, and night, if I so desire, and that takes care of the cardio aspect.  Aaron & I bought free-weights a few years ago, which are sitting in our garage, so that takes care of the weight-lifting aspect.  I can do this at home now, which means I can cancel my gym membership.  All I ever do is elliptical and free-weights there anyway.  This will free up $46.00 a month, and for me, that's like hitting the lottery.  I'm a simple girl.  Easy to please.  Hallelujah.

So, I am happy I only have my daily, piddly shit problems to deal with and write about.  I know how lucky I am that I have nothing major to discuss, unlike many others out there.   For example, the most annoying thing that's happened in my day thus far is my two neighbors who were in their backyards at 7:15am making all kinds of racket - one mowing his grass, and the other cutting some sort of metal, with sparks flying everywhere.  How good do I have it?

Things I'm grateful for today:

1.  Zane.
2.  Kind gestures, from other people.
3.  Strong coffee.

May everyone have a blessed & enlightened day.  Peace & pastries to all, in abundance.

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