Cruise Countdown Tickers

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Another quick update

No luck on fixing the A/C yet.  We have an appointment tomorrow morning at 8:00am with a "comfort advisor" from a local company here. I'm hoping this person gives us some good news.

Z is still doing great, I had even less mucus/snot today than yesterday, and even Aaron felt better. Maybe we're on the upswing as far as health? If nothing else, we can sweat out whatever is ailing us in this house. It's 82 degrees in here, and it's 10:42pm.

A few random things, before I retire for the night:

Aaron found this cereal tonight. (We had to get out of here and go browse around someplace that had A/C.) It's really, really good.

I'd suggest picking up a box, if you're in the mood for a bowl of cereal. It's sweet enough where it doesn't need sugar, and it's super chocolatey. Comes in handy for that "special" week of the month. Ladies, you know what I'm talkin' about.

Next, what the hell happened to Tori Amos' face?!



Old pics of Tori:



The first picture is the cover to her newest album release. She looks like a completely different person, and it took me a while to figure out what in the world had happened. I never thought someone like Ms. Amos would succumb to plastic surgery, but all I had to do was Google something to the effect of "what happened to Tori Amos' face", and was given a barrage of links to stories about her going under the knife. I just think it's a shame when naturally different-looking, non-traditional beauties don't realize what they've got. Whether she's trying to suppress aging (now that she's creeping up on 50), or whether she's feeling a bout of insecurity about competition with the younger women of the world, it's just sad.

Three things I'm grateful for today:

1.  My parents.
2.  A/C in my car.
3.  Hope.


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