Cruise Countdown Tickers

Monday, April 21, 2014


Busy busy week leading up to Easter - whew.

Aside from the regular day-to-day occurrences, we wrapped up our week with all things Easter. The 8th graders at Z's school put on the Living Stations of the Cross, as they do every year, and it was just as moving and lovely as ever.

Kids were dismissed afterward, giving them a half day. Then, they were out Good Friday and today, as well, so you could definitely say this is a good time of the year to be Catholic. Days off galore!

We spent lots of time with my parents, my sister, Ken, and close friends over our few days off, and it was a joy, as always. Easter happened at my house this year, so I prepped and cooked the ham, the kielbasa, the potato salad, the beans, and two pies. No kudos necessary - it really wasn't as much as it sounds like, and it was a fun way to unwind after the work week. Cooking is therapy for me, so it was pleasure to create nom noms for our family. I got to decompress, in the mean time. Not a bad deal.

I was busy shopping for food, menu planning & cooking, my boys were busy cleaning up the house for our guests, but Cody got to do a whole lot of nothing. Lucky dog.

Lots of napping.

Lots of leisurely sniffing.

Lots of hoping and dreaming. He began the stare-down of the ham only four seconds after I had taken it out of it's packaging.

He told Keoki about the ham, so then they swooned together. 
This is Cody, pleading with his eyes.
Keoki, testing out the pleading with his eyes to see if it'll work any better for him.
Patiently waiting for said ham to come out of the oven.
Once dinner was over and everyone had gone home, we all felt a little like slobby blobs. Aaron suggested we go for a nice family bike ride to digest our yummy meal, and to enjoy the beautiful evening breeze. We have to soak up as much time outside as we can, since it's almost May, and we all know what's coming. (Think: hot, humid, balmy, sweaty, awful.)

Overall, a busy, but soul satisfying week. Now I get to switch gears and start thinking and studying my favorite topic: food! I am happy to report that after a lengthy application process and lots of waiting around, I was chosen to be a volunteer at this year's Austin Food & Wine Festival. [I must let my inner teenage girl overtake me for a second here while I squeal OMG! Whew, ok, she's gone.] They have emailed me my volunteer packet, filled with lots of information to sort through, memorize, and digest. I will be happy to study this thing over the next few days! More on that later, though ...
Hope everyone had a tummy-filling, as well as soul-filling Easter weekend.


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