Cruise Countdown Tickers

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 2

The morning and afternoon went well, then the evening wreaked havoc on me. Got a headache around 1:00pm, and it didn't go away until I finally fell asleep for the night. I was trying not to take anything, because my headache medicine has caffeine in it, and thankfully, I survived. I got achy muscles along with the headache last night, so I soaked in a hot bath, which seemed to help a little. Being awake and functioning at any normal level was a challenge last night, though. Thank goodness Aaron was feeling well, and for Pee Wee Herman's Big Adventure, because both seemed to keep Z entertained while I rotted in a chair/the tub.

We were all in bed by 8:30pm.

Most importantly though, we managed to continue avoiding sugar, caffeine, dairy, meat, gluten and alcohol, and we ate/drank all our fruit & veggies, so overall, it was still a good day.

The book we're following said that headaches, muscle weakness, fatigue, and feeling a little cloudy in the head are all par for the course during the first few days. The only real option is to grin and bear it (which I did). I hope Aaron doesn't have to feel what I did last night, because it wasn't the greatest way to spend an evening.

On with Day 3!

Love, peace, & veggies.

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