Cruise Countdown Tickers

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Anthony & Easter

Seeing Anthony Bourdain in person again was flippin' amazing.


I guess I should preface this by saying I love him. Ok, that was probably the understatement of the century. Maybe saying I adore/idolize/want-a-piece of him would be more accurate. I have been a fan from the beginning, long before many people even knew who he was, before "No Reservations", when he was on the Food Network. I have to say, he solidified my love for him once again, this past Thursday night. He was hilarious, witty, potty-mouthed, and kept us interested from beginning to end talking about his travels, other cultures, meeting idiots like Sandra Lee, and ways to make your kid hate McDonald's. The theater was cool enough to allow photographs, so I did the best I could in the crappy lighting.

By far, the best shot of the night.

Holding a Shiner. [sigh]



The only part of the night we could have done without was when he opened up the room to questions. The guy sitting behind us seriously sounded like he might have a stroke if he didn't get to ask Tony his question. And the question turned out to be more like a comment, and a stupid one, at that. People come up with the dumbest things, and act as if they are asking the most profound, brilliant, mind-bending question ever. It's easy to get embarrassed for these people, since they clearly aren't embarrassed for themselves. See, I know my limitations and my uncanny ability to look like an idiot when given the opportunity to chat up someone I admire or I think is hot. That's why I don't even try. I am completely content listening to him talk about how much he loves Top Chef, just like me, and how much he hates certain Food Network personalities, just like me. It was such a great night, and to have Aaron there with me just made it that much better. I love that he loves some of the weird little things I do, like listening to the ramblings of middle-aged men who get off on food. Thanks for indulging me, honey.

Easter weekend was upon us right after our date night, and we hosted Easter at our house this year. On the menu, we had brisket basted in a raspberry chipotle sauce, kielbasa, potato salad, baked beans, and some strawberry shortcake for dessert. That meant a big trip to HEB for me, but what had to happen Saturday morning? Z had to wake up with a fever, of course!

Happy Easter 2010.

Aaron had to work all day Saturday, as well as close that night, so that meant I had to get creative figuring out how to get the food for our menu, and get the house ready for guests with a sick kid. Z gets very clingy when he's sick, so all he wants me to do is sit with him, or let him lay on me. That makes cleaning, shopping, and cooking a little hard to do. But, I just had to go with the flow, and make him feel better above all else, then fit the other stuff in when I could. It all worked out, I'm glad to say. We had to hurry up and color eggs before Daddy went to work Saturday morning, and Z was dead-set on making it happen, despite the fact that he had a fever of 102.5.

Some of our fun, pretty colors for the eggs.






Poor kid.


My favorite egg - Aaron made it for Z.

Keoki, wanting to be involved, but figuring out that he isn't facing the right way.

Ahhh, much better.

Easter Sunday, Z woke up with a fever still, but it was a little less than Saturday. He topped out around 101 this day, but remained in good spirits for everyone who came over. I asked him if he wanted us to tell everyone not to come, but he insisted Easter go on, because he wanted to see everyone. He even wanted to hunt eggs that morning, in the drizzle - bless his heart. That kid loves him some holidays. (I think he gets that from me.)

I can't get over how *old* he looks doing this this year!

Yeah, you can tell he's not feeling too good here.

He was thrilled with his basket from the Easter Bunny, but for the first time ever, said he didn't want any of the candy. That's when we knew he must be feeling crappy. After the easter egg hunt, Aaron got the brisket going in the rain.



As I mentioned before, he was going to be basting it with a raspberry chipotle sauce. In preparing his brisket, one of the bottles of sauce decided to explode when he opened it, so amidst cleaning my kitchen, this happened:

Aaron's holding the culprit, as pointed out by the arrow.








Even got on me.

Because we had already dealt with a sick kid, a rushed cleaning & cooking process due to the sick kid, and uncooperative weather, all we could do was laugh. It looked like someone had been slaughtered in our kitchen, it was EVERYWHERE. The good thing about having a boy? He loved that it got on his Clone Trooper basket. Said he thought it looked like someone had shot him in battle. Awesome.

Thankfully, Z's fever broke that night, and he was back to himself on Monday. Bad news? He's sick again today, but with allergies. The poor kid looked miserable when I picked him up from school, and just went downhill after that until bedtime. He was in bed and passed out by 8:00pm, and barely ate any dinner. I understand that though, because you do tend to lose your appetite when you're swallowing endless snot all day. Poor kid. Hope he gets back to 100% soon. :(

Three things I'm grateful for today:

1. Children's Motrin.
2. Easter.
3. Shout. (the stain remover)

Peace & pastries to all. Hope your Easter rocked!

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