Cruise Countdown Tickers

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My first blog. Sort of.

So, I tried this blogging thing before, but then deleted everything with the feeling I had been presumptuous.  I mean, who am I to think that anyone out there in the vast internet-land would really give two shits about what I have to say about ... well, anything?  The arrogance was too much.  I couldn't handle it.  And I disappeared with the click of the mouse.

But here I am again, this time not feeling so snotty, and thinking it might be a fun way to keep people updated with our lives.  I have a lot of friends, they seem genuinely interested in my well-being, and they are spread out all over the place.  Maybe this is a good way of staying connected?  Plus, all the cool people are doing it, and who am I to stand up to that kind of peer pressure.  My friends don't HAVE to read it or check it if they don't want, so that helps alleviate some of the weirdness.  At least for now.

So, here we are.  *crickets*

I guess I could start with a status report.  As of this minute, Aaron and I have been married for 3,085 days (translation:  8.5 years), our son is turning 6 in about three months, and we're still living in the same house we bought right after we got married.  Life is good -- very, very good.  We have been blessed enough to have our health intact, two full-time jobs, an a/c that works (a big deal when you live in the hellish pit of central Texas during the summer), friends who love us, and a bond that seems to keep getting stronger between the three of us.  We have lost some important people along the way during the past 8.5 years, but we've always turned toward each other instead of away from each other when things have become tough.  For this, I am so grateful.

Zach is no longer a baby, by any stretch of the imagination.  He is a vibrant, intelligent, sensitive, sarcastic, amazing young man. 


Each day I am his mother is the best day of my life, and I truly mean that.  As most people know, we are done child-rearing, and have no plans to have another baby.  We have sacrificed so much in our efforts to raise him at home, keep him out of daycare, and make sure he's being nurtured by the two people in the world who love him the most that we can't imagine going backwards and starting over.  It's been tough, I won't sugar-coat it, but it's been worth every exhausting second.  I think our efforts paid off, and they have helped shape him into the confident, kind, and fair human being that he has become.  Aaron is very excited to begin working "normal" hours once Zach starts kindergarten in August, and I'm excited we'll all be home together in the evenings, as a family.  We've been seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for a while now, and it's so close we can taste it.  Aaron and I will no longer be strangers in the night, high-fiving each other drearily as we pass through the hallway.  We will all be able to hang out each night and enjoy each other's company.  That's all we've ever wanted anyway.  We can't wait!

And yes, Zach's nervous, but excited about starting "big boy school", as he calls it.  I'm just nervous.  But we'll save that for a different blog.

Time to retire for the night, so I can read some books to the kiddo.  I hope to stay awake long enough to see Aaron when he gets home from work, but I can't make any guarantees. 

Until next time ...


Anonymous said...

WOOOHOOO! I am the first comment on your blog!!!
Double woohooo! Of course I care whats up with the Lawson's! I heart me some blogging :)~
Welcome to the blog world!
Love, Bec

LHB said...
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LHB said...

Ok - lemme try this again! I can't believe I've known you guys for EIGHT years!! I am so lucky!

Roxann Hudson said...

Hi Phyllis, Aaron & Zack,
Love the new pix of Zack. I can't believe he is almost 6. Where has the time gone. I've been real sick for the last 2 months, but things are finally looking up, thank GOD. I send you my love and hugs. Love the blog, keep it up. You are so talented, you should get a job where you create things on the computer for other people. Bye

Anonymous said...

If a picture is worth a thousand words, you wrote a 43,000+ word blog. Awesome! I loved seeing y'all as always.
