Cruise Countdown Tickers

Sunday, December 18, 2011

'Tis the season to be baking ...

Hope things have been kosher with you since my last post. We're doing well here, just enjoying every single second of the Christmas spirit that's swirling around daily, and hoping it doesn't slip past us too soon. Z has been fighting off what we believe to be a nasty cold, sincerely hoping it's not another flare up of his sinuses, like last Christmas. (See: this post from last February.)

As I mentioned, we have been sucking in every second possible of Christmas music, decorations, prepping for the upcoming feast (at our house) and lots of fires in the fireplace. Christmas is in a mere 7 days, and I'm already anxious about it's departure. I cannot put into words how much I love this season, and how happy my heart is during these last months of every year.

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One of my favorite ornaments on our tree.

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Another one of my favorites.

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One of Aaron's favorites.

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My best friend's tree at her home.

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My parents' tree at their home.

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Aaron's creation outside our house.

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As well as his tribute to the Charlie Brown Christmas tree.

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The fun Christmas tree aisle at Garden Ridge.

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Cozy kitty.

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Keoki trying to cuddle up with Z by sitting ON the iPhone he was playing on.

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Z, trying to be accommodating. Ha.

Aaron's busy season at work happened the last few weeks, so he was out the door by 6:30am each day, not to return until about 9:00pm every night. Now that he's finally done with that phase of his job, he's still feeling the ramifications of such a crazy schedule.

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Poor guy sits still for five minutes, and passes out.

I have been busy planning a party for Z's 3rd grade class this coming Wednesday, as well as making a list & checking it twice when it comes to baking supplies. I'm going to be a busy, busy girl the next few days.

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One pile of things to make.

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Another pile of things to make (for Santa & his elves).

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Last pile of things to make.

Whew! Like I said, busy girl. I also made a recipe tonight that my Mom gave me last night (thanks again, Ma!) which turned out DELICIOUS. They are called Amazing Gluten-Free Layer Bars, and that is not a lie - they were, indeed, amazing!

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Yum! I'm not much into giving gifts, so much as I am into giving FOOD. Yes, my neighbors, co-workers, friends, and family get lots of goodies every Christmas, and I'm glad I haven't heard any complaints yet. I, too, love receiving food from friends and neighbors, because honestly, I have everything I need. Ok, aside from this one coffee mug Aaron showed me ...

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Seriously?! A camera lens?! Brilliant!

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A bigger, travel-mug version. Love!

And I suppose I would be lying if I said I didn't wish this was coming to my house when I see it barreling down I-35 each day:

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Hey, a girl can dream, right? But I know, in my heart of hearts, that I am so lucky to have so much when others out there have so little. Something that seems so as simple as a holiday meal is a struggle for many families out there, and I do not take my good fortune for granted. No way. I'm so thankful and grateful to have my family, my friends, our health, each other's laughter, and lots of scrumptious foods surrounding us this year. I hope every one of you has a truly magical holiday, however you choose to spend it. Since I will buried in baking for the next few days, I will catch up with everyone again after Christmas. Until then -- Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and God bless us all ... everyone. (<-- insert Tiny Tim's small, British voice here.)

Love & peace.

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