Cruise Countdown Tickers

Friday, July 15, 2011

Back to real life, sadly.

Alaska, in one word: Incredible.

I'm not sure how to convey how amazing our trip was, but I will surely try. To say it was beautiful would be the understatement of the century. To say we had fun would be yet another gross understatement. To say we're sad it's over would be, by far, the biggest understatement of all. The worst part of coming back home? The dreaded heat. My God, it's like we're living in the seventh circle of hell. The forecast that never changes for us Texans:


What we left behind:



*insert whining, stomping, adolescent temper tantrum here*

Most people who read my blog are also friends with me on Facebook. Since I posted a ton of my pictures there, I won't repost them here. But, since there are a few who are the exception to that, I will do a quick recap.

I'll summarize the highlights of our trip, using photos to help give you a glimpse into our amazing journey during that week. First, I got to fly. I haven't been on a plane in a few years, and being the consummate traveler, I love flying. I love airports, I love flying, I love everything about it.

Phoenix, AZ

Next, and most importantly, we got the chance to eat great food:

Alaskan king crab legs.

Decadent chocolate cake with fruit & fresh whipped cream.

Chinese food.

Homemade crêpes with Nutella & strawberries.

I got to take pictures of nature & scenery, which is my most favorite thing to photograph besides food:










I got to visit my first Chinatown. Of all the places I've been, I've never had the chance to go into a bonafide Chinatown, and it was just as cool as I figured it would be. I just never imagined it'd be in Canada:




We got to relax ...







We were able to see a glacier, up close & personal. This was such a mind-blowing experience for all of us, and such an outstanding experience for Z:




Aaron won a staff t-shirt for being the best male hula-hooper on board:


And we got the chance to spend another incredible trip with my folks:


It is safe to say that I am completely sold on British Columbia, and Alaska. I miss being there, and want to go back already. My new favorite shirt:


Since being back home, I've had to dive straight into work and put my game face on for the beast that lies ahead. As most of you already know, summer is my busiest time of year, and the worst is yet to come. So, days go by quickly now because when I'm not working, I'm spending time with Aaron & Z, preparing for school starting (30 days!), exercising off all that yummy food I stuffed myself with on vacation, and planning our next trip. As you may have noticed (above this entry), I have changed the cruise countdown ticker & our next trip is planned for spring break. I'm not 100% positive it's going to happen at this point, but we're really hoping we can make it work. These trips give me something to look forward to, and they are almost like air for me - without them, I feel like I might not make it. Sounds overdramatic, but it's true. I live to travel, and wouldn't change that for the world.

We did end up fixing my car, just to update what I wrote about last time. Total cost of repairs came to $258.77, which was a lot less than I had anticipated (thank you, baby Jesus). It still needs a few cosmetic things done - example: Aaron was driving it after we got home without the air conditioning on, because having the air on made it seem like the car was going to die instantly. My poor husband was enduring 100+ temperatures in my little car, pushed the button to roll the driver-side window down, and the window fell completely into the door. He then spent time one evening not long afterward, taking apart my car door and digging the window back out.



He successfully got the window back out of the door, and was able to put it back in place to stay. Thank God he knows how to do this sort of thing, because I would still be driving around to this day with a gaping window hole, whining like a twit to anyone who would listen about how my door ate my window. Even though he was able to put it back up, it now doesn't roll down, and will not do so until we replace the motor on the inside of the door. Estimated cost of said motor? $200+. Meh, I think we'll just leave that bad boy up for a while. At least until I befriend a mechanic who will cut me a deal on some of this crap. Now that the car's coil has been fixed, we are free to blast the AC, which I do in perpetuum.

That catches us up, even though it's been a whole month since we got home from our trip. Summers are always a blur for me, so I'm not surprised time is cruising by so quickly, but I'll try to find time to update more frequently now that we're settled back in. Getting used to real life was a harsh transition, but I think we're finally there. Well, even if our heads are already in the clouds about our next adventure ...

Until next time, love, peace, & chicken grease to all. xoxo

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