Cruise Countdown Tickers

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Soccer, hockey, swimming - oh my!

Countdown to cruise: 65 days. (*squeal!*)

Soccer is back! We started practices on March 23, and had our first game this past Saturday. We got the "dream team" back together again this season, so it's nice to see all the old familiar faces after a few months off. The boys are excited to be together and playing again, so it's fun to see them all jazzed up.

Rallying the troops at practice.

As you can see, Aaron is co-coaching once again. We had our first game this past weekend, and Z was on FIRE! He's really learning the positions on the field and attacking the ball. He scored two goals, including the first one of the season. He was so excited! This is what sports is all about, and I'm glad he's finally old enough to start feeling that sense of accomplishment and pay-off for his focus.

Huddle up.

He excels on defense.

Loves to attack that ball.

Leading the pack.

Mmm, post-game snack.

We had a rather exciting (note: sarcasm) bathroom adventure take place - other bathroom this time. Z's faucet decided it didn't feel like turning off one night, so there started the crazy bathroom shenanigans. Poor Aaron worked so hard trying to figure out what the problem was, but our night quickly turned into: turn water off outside, fiddle with parts inside, turn water back on, barely escape flooding the bathroom, repeat. Ahhh, the joys of home ownership. The only way Aaron could get the new part to stay in was by rigging it up with rope.


This was about the time we figured we better give in and call a plumber for help. My wonderful father hooked us up with his very trustworthy plumber, and they came out that next morning. We were so glad to see him, but that relief quickly turned to fear as he explained how he needed to bust through our wall to reach the pipe for replacing. I almost threw up listening to him bashing the tiles in.


But, thankfully, it was repaired and is back to fully functional now. Z can still take his baths and I can turn the faucet off - it's a win-win. Granted, it's looking a bit ghetto at the moment, but we will attack the cosmetic stuff this weekend. Of course, Z thinks it's super cool that he can look into the wall, but I would have to disagree.


This past Sunday, we were invited to an ice hockey game with my best friend's husband & two of their sons. I haven't been to a hockey game since I was a small kid in Michigan (go Red Wings!), so I was excited to go again. The boys l-o-v-e-d it, especially when the players would break into a fight. Personally, I've seen worse fights on 6th street - these guys were practically dancing with each other - but it was entertaining nonetheless. Sadly, our Texas Stars lost to the Rockford Icehogs.

Z and Preston, eagerly waiting for the usher to let them to their seats.



Such focus ...

What Brandon watched the most. He loves him some cheerleaders.




Lastly, Z started swim lessons! Yes, I know - I'm the only Mom in the universe that started her kid in swim lessons at the age of 8. I've realized along the way that I was apparently supposed to have started him in lessons when he was a fetus, or at least that's the impression other Moms have given me. But, when have I ever done anything like everyone else, right? My reasoning for waiting was because I wanted him to go when he was comfortable doing so. I was a kid who was forced into swim lessons when I was really small, and I hated it. HATED IT. Therefore, I wanted to wait for him to want to learn, so there was no forcing or fear involved. After this past summer, he finally showed interest in wanting to learn how to swim, so my plan worked - ha! He started group lessons (5 kids in the group) this week, and will be taking them twice a week for at least the next three months - probably longer, but three months are what I have pre-paid so far. He was a little nervous at first, but quickly got into it and loves his teacher. He asked if he could do lessons everyday, so I'm guessing that means he is enjoying himself.



I suppose it's safe to say, we have one active little dude on our hands. That's ok, it helps keep time whizzing by so I can get on my cruise faster. In the downtime between soccer practice, soccer games, and swim practice, I tend to daydream about glaciers and what kinds of new foods I will be able to try in Alaska. *happy sigh* When I'm not daydreaming, I'm either working out or reading this new blog I found, Food Network Humor. It pokes fun at the celebrity chefs and their shows on The Food Network, and it's hysterical. Sure, it's immature and juvenile, but hysterical nonetheless.

Until next time ... love, peace, & chicken grease to you all. Hugs!

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