Cruise Countdown Tickers

Friday, April 4, 2014

Hysterectomy party at 39

Busy busy this week so far. I am desperately trying to get back on track with exercising, like everyone else after spring break, and have been determined this week to continue on with my C25K app that I started a few weeks ago. I even convinced Aaron to come out with me yesterday for a run. That was workout #2 for the week, and wow, it kicked my arse. Taking almost 2 weeks off during this program was apparently a huge mistake and yesterday I paid the price for those 2 weeks. Ouch! Legs felt like lead and the run seemed to drag on forever. Here's to hoping tomorrow's run will be less cruel. *tink glasses*

In addition to running, Zach's soccer games, and still navigating a new accounting system at my day job, I also had my yearly lady doctor vist yesterday. Ah, always joyful to go get poked, prodded, and felt up all in the name of science. As many of you know, I have a long, craptastic interesting  history with my female anatomy. It basically has a mind of its own and has been a long-standing nemesis of mine since the tender age of 10. That said, I am BFF with my gynecologist (going on 23 years now, yay us! I should buy us matching bracelets or something - no wait, HE should! he has all my money!) and I see him roughly every 3-4 months. He's like my quarterly report, you could say. Yesterday's appointment was especially interesting, because he finally came right out and said it -- he thinks I should consider getting a hysterectomy. Granted, this has been my wish for many, many years before now, of which he is well aware. BUT, he would always tell me to slow my roll, because I was still young, and he couldn't actually back me up with a legitimate reason to do so. I have had cysts, a scorching case of endometriosis that still marvels the medical world, and PCOS for nearly two decades, but apparently none of that counts when you're still "young" in the eyes of medicine. Well, it appears I have finally contracted one last devilish problem, and now, finally, I would be better off without my lady parts. Adenomyosis is my latest problem's name, and horrid pain is it's game. Just add it to my already 3-inch thick medical file taking up lots of shelf space at his office.

My uterus is engulfed in a sea of adenomyosis, which causes severe pain and sporadic bleeding. Fun, right? C'mon, admit it - that makes you happy you're not me, doesn't it? Despite the fact that I had 3 procedures done in November 2012 to alleviate all my OTHER symptoms, and surgery back in 1996 to alleviate the first set of problems I had, this little bugger still found a way to formulate and wreak havoc in my abdomen. So, looks like I might be going under the knife in the next coming months, with hopes that this 5th surgery will finally be my last. I might have a party. A big, wild, hysterectomy party - or, should we call it an eviction party for my uterus? Not sure exactly what this party would entail, but I'm already having visions of a piƱata shaped like female anatomy that I could beat the crap out of, tampon bouquets from all the tampons I have under my sink that I will need to repurpose, and wearing ALL WHITE in reckless abandon. You laugh, but keep an eye out - you just might see an invitation show up soon.


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