Cruise Countdown Tickers

Friday, June 7, 2013

Foodie PenPals & the beach

So, one of the neato blogs I was recently introduced to by a friend (Thanks, LHB!) was a sometimes hilarious, sometimes utterly depressing, all-too-real account of a woman who is struggling with her weight. Long story short: she lost over 100 pounds, became a spokesperson for Weight Watchers, then within a year, gained it all back - plus some. Her ride is real, thought-provoking, and more common that most people think. While browsing her posts, her most recent one had something that caught my eye - a program she saw on ANOTHER blog post called Foodie PenPals. (Suzi's post is here.) First things that ran through my mind after reading this: Are you serious? There is such a thing where people send each other food to try? And I'm JUST NOW finding out about this?!


I couldn't email the lovely brainchild behind this program, Lindsay @, fast enough. Thankfully, I made the cut for this month's sign-ups, and WOOT! I will not only be sending a lovely person in another state some delicious goodies from Austin, but I will be receiving a box of delicious goodies from yet another state - different person! How ridiculously fun is this idea? I'm jealous and a little pissed at myself that I didn't think of it first. You're a mad genius, Lindsay.

I will be blogging about what I send and what I receive, after the boxes have been received on both ends. I cannot wait, let me tell ya. I'm looking forward to this in a big, big way. Join us (using the link I posted above), if this sounds interesting to you, too!

Thursday was Aaron's last day of school. We are still finding it hard to believe that his first year of teaching flew by as fast as it did. Since everyone is now out of school, the next logical step is ... planning a trip to the beach, of course! I started researching condos and cottages in Port Aransas, and I must say, I was very deflated. When did prices for summer rocket so high?? People do realize this is the Texas coast, right? Don't get me wrong - I have a soft spot for Port A in my heart and always will, but this isn't the Bahamas, or some dreamy, white sand beach in Hawaii. It's murky gray water, and beaches that are so covered in dried seaweed that you can barely find a place to put your stuff down. I was shocked to see the average range is about $180-$250 PER NIGHT, even in the tiny, non-descript cottages that have been there since the beginning of time. Can we say ridiculous? I put in the dates we want - which are weekdays, not weekends, by the way - at a place we have stayed at a few times over years past, and the automated total that came up almost knocked me out of my chair. Ready? Brace yourself ... they want $945.00 for 3 weeknights in Port Aransas. Bwahahahahahaha! That would be HELL no. The weekend rates were even higher! I was about to give up all hope of our beach trip happening, then I clicked on one property that still offers semi-reasonable rates, about $85 a night. I can deal with that much better than I can deal with $185 a night. I can't disclose where it is, because I'm being a brat and have to hog this little gem to myself. I'm sure it won't be long before everyone else catches on and the rates go up there, too, but until then, you can't make me tell! Note to self: plan trips to Port A only in the off-season from now on. Good grief.

TGIF! Hope everyone has an awesome weekend. And until next time, I shall leave you with Z and Cody, playing with Z's recorder:

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